Friday, March 18, 2011

Starting over...

It's a new year, and a new time in my life. I'm searching for a new job, trying to find a new place to live, and am wearing a newly purchased set of headphones.

So here's to new blogging.

In my courselist this semester is the class entitled web2.0...currently, that involves me starting a new blog. I don't know what the professor will qualify as "new" here's an updated blog to hopefully fulfill those requirements.
I'm going to blog a bit more frequently, and end up posting a podcast next week (on podbean, apparently).
Lots of online assignments, lots of things to do, and lots of things to talk about.

This blog is about my nerdiness and fandoms, and it will continue to be such. Tune in next week for me geeking out over Doctor Who.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Catching Up...

Erm. Hi there.
So. I know that nearly every single one of the last twelve posts begins with some variant of "so, I know I haven't blogged in awhile..."

I could probably stop starting posts that way if I posted more.
Oh well.

I've been exceptionally busy. Like I do.
Lots of changes in the past four months (four months, right? since February? Sounds right.)
Still working. Still loving it.
Still pursuing artistic ventures -- my current projects include some stuff for my friend Amanda's Wonderland campaign, margin work for another friend's gaming company, and tattoo designs to sell around town.

On a personal note, I am no longer engaged. Which is kind of a bummer, but mostly not. It's good to know I'm doing what I need to be doing, and that's all there really is to say about that.

I'll be attending Sam Houston in the fall, if they ever send me my dang acceptance letter...

On a nerdy note:
Alice in Wonderland was SPECTACULAR, Avatar was meh, and I am super excited about seeing Toy Story 3 sometime soon.

And that's all I've got for now. Hopefully I'll be able to post more as the summer progresses.
I've got some fantastic stirrings in my head about the Chronicles of Narnia...we'll see what you get out of that.

Much love.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

hum dum de dum

Well, hullo thar, invisible and possibly non-existent blog readers.

It's been too long.

Let's see...changes...changes..hummm.
Well, for one thing, I'm engaged.*
I'm working 3/4 time at TAMU Wesley. I'm taking loads of weird classes from weird people at Blinn. I live in a house with two other girls I never see. I'm always super busy. I'm sleep deprived. I got paid to do artwork, so, ya'know, WOOO. Several of my best friends' lives are falling apart and there is absolutely nothing to be done about it from my end. I've become rather hopelessly addicted to fishworld on facebook and twitter.
So I have to plan a wedding.
I'm thinking of keeping this as my super secret personal wedding planning book...Ya know, for the whole world to have the option of reading and commenting and making snarky and sometimes useless remarks.

Not that you read this.

And neither do my xanga followers. It's kind of weird, having two blogs that I update with roughly the same frequency (yikes, right?). Two different audiences, two different posts...
If you'd like, feel free to buzz over and take a look and see what the other side gets...It's a bit different. The past posts are VERY different.

And don't tell them that you're from here. I didn't tell them I was updating this differently.
So if it helps, you can think of it being like a ninja. Or if you're diametrically opposed to that, you can just pretend you're being a sneaky pirate of AWESOME that is no way, shape, or form akin to being a ninja.

See you later, loves. :)

*this is where the author ran screaming around the room; both with excitement and fear. Just thought you ought to know.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

An exercise in Awesome

Say what you will friends, but there are days that I am dang proud of myself.
Today is one of those days.
My little brother told me to change my political views on facebook to the cornbread party- so I did. He told me to tell my friends about it. I told him to write an impassioned speech for it. He said no.
So I did.
Here it is:

Friends, facebookers, countrymen, lend me your ears. I issue this call, my brothers, my sisters...a call to eat. A call to put aside our differences and partake in the most delicious joy known to mankind...cornbread. I come to uphold cornbread, not to condemn it. I come to uplift the buttery goodness that is, for a bread by any other name would NOT... See More be as sweet. Breathren, I beseech thee...change your political views to the Cornbread party. Share in the sweet richness of unity and fullness of heart and mind. Bow down no longer to the oppressive, non-baked goods regime of our forefathers, but rather live in purity and hope. Live the Cornbread party. Live the dream.

Because that is how I ROLL, suckas.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


That's it, I'm done apologizing for being a terrible blogger.
...After this.


But it's not like anyone reads this, anyways... Except maybe Josh, Lauren, Grant, and possibly Sara. But it's still pretty unlikely.

So, today's nerdiness involves art.
Because I arted out today for the first time in months, and it was very nice.
And produced a rather awesome image, if I do say so myself.

Nice. :)

Update on the life of the blogger:

Moved to College Station -- so far, so good.
Working at the Wesley Foundation at A&M, and classes resume Monday. I'll be attending Blinn, and if I get my math course in these next two semesters, I can graduate with an associates degree in May.
Woo hoo!

For more life updates, check the xanga, link to your right.

I make no promises about being better, but I do promise I'll attempt to write more.

Being in College Station puts me around nerdier people, so who knows? This blog might actually turn into a blog.

We'll see what happens.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Uh, Whoops?

I find it fascinating that I claim to be "from the internet!1!", but I can't seem to hold down a steady blog.

Where else would, could, should an internet person claim as their homestead but their very own blog?

And it's not like I have so many that I just can't keep track of a solid update schedule...noooooo....Its just that I fail at keeping anything going for a solid length of time.

So, ya know.
My apologies.

As for "Chronicles of a Cleric"...yeah, that project is shot. I've misplaced my notepad of adventure notes.
So let me summarize it for you:
It rocked.

My first D&D experience was a blast. My group consisted of Tucker, Kristen, Nathan, Darlene, and for a good bit of it a boy named Donovan. Nathan DM'd, and apart from him, only Tucker had played before. This made me very happy -- playing with a bunch of newbies was exactly what I wanted to do. We learned together, and I definitely lived out of the PHB for leveling -- which we did alot. Mostly because Tucker broke the game in ways that were very entertaining...and made the DM giggle.
As for the campaign itself? Well, we won. Originally, the DM planned for us not to -- but we complained enough about becoming attached to our very first characters, and he relented. So we won -- we didnt actually get to fight the very last fight, due to time constraints and finals looming, but the DM finally did something resembling solid storytelling, and it worked out nicely anyway.

We're picking back up in the fall -- Tucker is DMing, which is preferable to Nathan DMing, all things considered. And there will definitely be more roleplaying this time around, as we've been given all summer to work on characters and character backstories.

We'll try again for a detailed, story-version of the Fall's campaign...but who knows? I'm pretty bad about that :)

As for actual blogging about things?
Well, We'll try that too. It's summer, so hopefully I'll dedicate more time to this and my other internet hobbies. If I get a better job, I might even pick up WoW...just to figure out what all the hubbub's about.
Maybe, but probably not. I like to waste time for FREE. :)

Well, until we meet again, oh-readers-of-my-blog-who-probably-do-not-exist-but-in-the-capacity-of-infinite-universes-where-anything-is-possible.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Chronicles of a Cleric

I've been pretty delinquent at getting this stuff up to you guys.
I apologize!
Here is the first installment of the D&D stuff I've been up to.
Well, the introduction, at least...
Enjoy :)

Chronicles of a Cleric: Introduction
My world is at peace. The government runs smoothly and efficiently. The Lords make sure the needs of their people are met. No one complains. No one has to work for what they want. The nations no longer fight over land, over power, over money. Truly, peace covers this land.
That’s all about to change.
The lords are demons, and their charges are the races of this world – enslaved. No one complains for fear of death, or worse. Everyone’s minimal needs are met – gladiator battles are hardly worth watching if the gladiators fall faint from hunger or sleep deprivation.
My world has been shrouded in this darkness, this mockery of peace, for 200 years. Demons roam the land, picking off whatever thing happened to be unlucky enough to stray from his demon Lord. My world is in ruins. The 700 year war made sure of that – the demons destroyed our hopes before they destroyed our lives. Easier to conquer that way, I suppose.
One place remains intact -- The Nameless City.
Once, the Nameless City was the place where all things flowed. Races could meet in peace and enjoy one another’s company. The city shined with the light of hope; the hope that one day the world might be like this city on a hill – filled with light and understanding.
It is now the capital city of our oppressors. The light is gone.
But not for long.
Fifty years into the war, a prophecy was made – A number of them were. Some came and went with no interference from those of us in hiding. But one was made that required some effort on the part of the survivors. The Light will return, but not if those who remain don’t ask him to.
If a group of people can get into the Nameless City, to its very core, and make a noise of great defiance – he will return. He will come and overtake the masters of darkness, and restore light to our world. The Nameless City will shine once more, and it will no longer be nameless. It will bear his name, and it will be beautiful.

My name is Maren. This is the story of Darkness and Light. This is the story of the world’s redemption. This is my story. This is all our stories.
God give us strength.